Talk to us!

Thanks for visiting the website for the documentary URBAN EXPLORERS: INTO THE DARKNESS.
Here is where you can drop us a note — let us know what you think, how you found us, etc.. Thanks.
- Melody Gilbert
Director/Producer Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness
(For more information about other films Melody has made, go to

94 Responses to “Talk to us!”

  1. melody Gilbert Says:

    Check out our myspace at

  2. Kae Crack Says:

    I’m very excited to see a documentary on this topic. So many people misunderstand — maybe you can help them, hah. Where can I snag a copy? I’m very .. very interested.

  3. dickyhart Says:

    i did a small thing to help in scotland, looking forward to seeing it…

  4. Melody Says:

    Kae- the documentary will be finished soon–probably in January.
    Watch for annoucements here about where to see it and how to buy a DVD.
    Thanks for your interest (and yes, many people misunderstand what UE is..that’s one of the reasons I made the movie!).

  5. purps Says:

    This website really captures the UE vibe. Great job!

  6. Dan Rambo Says:

    We are also a group of UE folks from St. Paul Mn. and was wondering how we could help. I have alot of great footage of some interesting places.

  7. slyv Says:

    cool project, can’t wait to see it

  8. Ben again Says:

    it’s great to see the film is coming together! thanks for your help; the preview party was a great start for me. if you’re interested i can send you a copy of my ethnography when i’m done.

  9. Ben Says:

    where would we be watching this movie?

  10. Melody Says:

    The documentary is ALMOST done. We finished a “rough cut ” this past weekend and we will be fine tuning it over the next month or so. We hope it will premiere at a major film festival sometime soon (April?), and then hopefully in theaters and/or television after that. Eventually I will have DVD’s available for purchase via this website as well. Keep checking back for the latest info. And thanks everyone for your nice comments. After two years of working on this, I’m excited to get it done and get it out there for people to see! ~Melody

  11. fatLouie Says:

    So which will come first, festival premiere or DVD release?

    Keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see how stupid I’ll look.

  12. NoX Says:

    I think the trailer looks awsome.. seems you guys put alot of effort into this project . I cant wait to see it.. how to you plan on releasing it?. i mean will it actually be in theaters or somthing or released off the website on dvd ?.. Only one thing I can see wrong with this movie/ documentry… Im not in it…other then that kickass job keep up the work..hope to see me and hope even more that im in

  13. NoX Says:

    sorry , I didnt pay close enough attention, you already mentioned how it will be released…

  14. Chuck Says:

    Hey Melody, happy to see the film is almost done. But it looks like Chicago made the cutting room floor!!! Oh well…good luck with it! Chuck

  15. Melody Says:

    Hey Chuck-
    Chicago IS represented..but just not as much as some of the other locations where I spent more time! You’ll see.
    ( Check your e-mail for another message from me.)

    And to the rest of you…thanks for posting. It’s nice to hear that you all like what you’re seeing so far. Of course we are anxious to find out where we will premiere this movie….we .should know soon!

  16. mole Says:

    Really looking forward to this documentary, even though i’m presuming most will be filmed in the US will be interesting to see how you operate over there.

  17. HauntedPA Says:

    Woohoo! Carrie made it into the trailer! hehehehehehehehe Looks great Melody!

  18. Dan Says:

    just another thing to add to the list of reasons why places will get torn down or be destoyed be losers with spray paint cans.. THANKS GUYS!

  19. mac Says:

    “I can’t wait to see how stupid I’ll look.” Too funny, but i’m sure you will look fine, after all we do crawl around in sewers, caves, and tunnels, think of dirt as a fashion accessory =)

  20. E Says:

    Melody if you need people to help push the film when it’s released (a ’street team’ if you will…) let me know. I run Street Teams and love to help promote things I have a passion for. And yes, I do UE. Thanks for making this film.

  21. Fracture Says:

    I want to buy it NOW on DVD.

  22. purps Says:


  23. DRAC Says:

    Lookksssss soooo KOOL! Nivelo u rock! Cave clan represent! :)

  24. Tobi Says:

    Good film, i can’t wait to see it! Ps. Im from Poland

  25. Crossfire Says:

    Looks fantastic. Great to see turbo on screen and a lot of the other urbex mainstays. Looking forward to the release. Keep us all in the loop!


  26. Daryl "D-Low" Says:

    Looks like this should be the thing to see this year!

    I’m sorry still about not getting in to interview with you guys in Chicago, but it was great to see you up in the Twin Cities.

    I hope the completed film is as good as I think it will be.


  27. wellstoner Says:


    You’re TOTALLY in trouble.
    Oh no! Man, you’re gunna get it.
    get out of there, ohhhhh
    oh no. What?! ohhh nooooo…


  28. paexplorers Says:

    We are a organization from PA we have lots of documentation, footage, and pictures. If you need help just ask.

  29. PTC Says:

    Woohoo go Nivelo, Cant wait to see you on the big screen. Lets just hope that it comes down under so we can see it.

  30. TurboZutek Says:

    Wow, you were very very serious about subtitling me, eh Melody!?? :-o

  31. James "Yankee" Talyn Says:

    will this be released on dvd??
    shown in australia?

  32. Melody Says:

    We will definitely be releasing this on DVD and possibly even for digital download. We wlll be fnishing up editing soon and I will have some news for you about some upcoming screenings shortly. You should also check out our MYSPACE at –there are a few more photos there and we’ll post updates there as well. ~Melody
    PS; And yes, Turbo, we did have to subtitle you in most cases! Your thick accent is charming, but sometimes hard for people in the U.S. to understand :)

  33. Melody Says:

    This movie was just written up in Indiewire today
    Check it out:

  34. robin Says:

    wow i cant wait. its about time someone makes a video ive seen a few skits that were like 30 min but nothing like this i will buy this movie.

  35. robin Says:

    do you have a website that shows pictures and stories of were you been.

  36. Robert A Vollrath Says:

    Is Mark Vollrath in your movie? I’m writing a bio of Mark for a movie I’m working on called Begging for Billionaires. Mark’s my son and the editor
    of BFB.

  37. aimagination Says:

    un earth our fountain cave

  38. Grace Says:

    i cant wait to see this out there! im so excited. GO SHANE!

  39. Dr. Worm Says:

    This is awesome, and I’ll definitely have to get my hands on it. Keep up the kick-assery!

  40. Bones Says:

    ive watched the trailer for it, i must see the whole thing

  41. junkyard Says:

    I bet that whole film is about some guys we don’t even know. I heard they suck and never did make it into that one place. But I bet the rest is pretty cool though.

  42. John Martens Says:

    Hey this is THE John Martens, the one from that newspaper clip at the beginning of the preview about the Landmark Six incident in December ‘03… I can’t wait to see this, all those guys I explored with on that fateful weekend. All the best to them! Props!

  43. nivelo Says:

    Thanks for the screening, l think it’s going to be a great hit with all the UE people.
    I love the way you included not only (international) locations but you also got to know some of the explorers and provide a personal insight.
    Very well done, l will definetly be buying a copy of it.
    Hope it goes well.

  44. nel58 Says:

    Can’t wait to see my “buddies’ nivelo and Turbozutek on screen ! And can’t wait to put a face on those I only know by their name and work !

  45. Wild At Heart Says:

    Although I have never been an explorer I wish that I had the opportunity. I am very intrigued by this film and hope that it puts the explorers in a good light. I do think that it’s misunderstood; without our sense of adventure where would we as humans be today. I am close to one of the Landmark 6, the guys who were arrested for walking on the street near the Gopher State Ethanol Plant. Yes they had some of those items listed, night vision, radios, flashlights, etc., but some of the items were not on their person, they were in their cars which were 1 block away at the time the police stopped them. I do not believe the police handle this in the best possible way but that’s another story. I would love to buy the DVD when it’s available and thank you for showing us all that the spirit of adventure is still alive.

  46. Fan Fan Says:

    Do you need to buy tickets in advanced for the Mill City museum showing?

  47. Melody Says:

    Yes, I would suggest bying tix in advance.
    The musuem people told me that they don’ usually get alot of online sales but in this case the tix are selling very quickly!
    See you there? MG

  48. redox Says:

    Dang I wish I could make that screening in Nov. Bravo in advance!

  49. Minneapolis Says:

    What is going on between when the doors open (6:30) and the actual showing(8pm)?

  50. Melody Says:

    Let’s see….you can tour the musuem (some special tours that night to places they don’t normally show!)…view the photographs taken by some UE folks…have a drink (cash bar) or just enjoy the view of the Mississippi River from the back courtyard. Oh, and if you get there early enough, maybe you can save a good seat for yoursefl??!! See you there…MG

  51. Mary Says:

    Im so glad I came across this website, as I was surfing the UE sites. I love this!

  52. St. George Says:

    Hi Melody, et al.,

    I enjoyed the sneak preview on 11/10. I was the guy standing in the back against a pillar; you offered me a padded seat along the wall which I declined.

    In the late 80s and early 90s, I entered some of the caves on the banks of the Mississippi in St. Paul. We entered some old brewery caves along Shepard Road near Crosby Lake through a 24 inch PVC tube which someone had cemented into a storm drain to deter people from entering. Whoever did it also put a steel bar halfway through the tube and created a bed of nails sticking up out of the concrete to hurt people who would even try.

    Well, we squeezed through and inche-wormed our way through that tube and entered the caves. The drain connects to a wide cave entrance about 10 yards in. I’m wondering if that tube is still there and if anyone else ever attempted entering that way.

    Looking forward to the cinema,
    St. George

  53. Stahlmann Says:

    The movie was super entertaining. I don’t know what film festivals you will be submitting to, but this movie could be a very large draw with 18 to 30 somethings. The Florida scenes are the best, definitely the most intriguing and entertaining. Awesome film work, fantastic topic! Good luck to you.

  54. Sara Says:

    I saw this movie on Friday - and honestly I didn’t know what I was in for - just wanted a little night on the town. The film was really amazing…and very thought provoking, As in, thinking of these folks wading through the tunnels below our feet where we go to school, where we work….where we live. But in the end all I can think is “please be careful out there! (Under there)!” Wow - I hope that this film plays again soon. I know several people who would love to see it.

  55. tammy Says:

    I loved this film, I am sort of an amateur at this. I got some good photos of a power station in St Paul that was going to become condos. Some pix were taken from the outside looking through broken glass.

  56. Bulawayo Lass Says:

    I hope we get to see this film in UK or at least the DVD.
    Is there anyway we can get involved with this in Manchester UK from what l can read very interesting.

  57. Marie Says:

    This is fantastic. It’s such a relief to know there are some people out there who who are alive, have spirit, who still have a sense of exploration and unacceptance of the norm.

    Wish I could get to see this but until I stumbled onto the website I never even knew about it.

    Reawakens my sagging faith in humanity. Awesome.

  58. Damien Says:

    I really want to see this! If you release a dvd I will definitely purchase it, and if not I hope there will be a screening in the LA area!

  59. Melody Says:

    Hey everyone….we recently found out that we will be premiering this movie at the Cinequest Film Festival in California ( in February/Marcfh 2007! It’s a “Top 10″ film fest so we’re very excited to be screening there. More screening invitations from around the country are arriving now…I will post screening dates/times shortly. Check back here or on our myspace ( for updates shortly and hope to see some of you at the screenings! ~ Melody

  60. Joe Says:

    There are some great UE sites in Buffalo, NY… Would be great to see a screening out here. Any insite on when a dvd would be available?

  61. Gary Says:

    How can I buy a DVD of your film?

  62. Kabe Says:

    Unfortunately I missed the screening at the MN Historical Society. Will “UE” be back in the Twin Cities at all? Otherwise I’d like to buy the DVD.

  63. Melody Says:

    Hey Kabe
    This is your lucky day! We will be showing the movie at the
    Walker Art Center on March 16 (9pm) and March 17 (4 pm).
    I don’t think it’s up on their website yet, but it will be soon!
    Better get your tickets pretty quick–the Milll City Museum screening sold out in advance! Thanks for asking…Melody

  64. Melody Says:

    For those of you who have been asking about a DVD…well, we’re working on it! We just finished editing the final cut of the movie, which we will be premiering in CA ( Hopefully some of the San Francisco Bay area explorers will come to the screenings! We are also showing at a festival in Sweden
    ( in February.DVD’s soon after. Check back here and at for udates about DVD sales. Thanks for questions and comments! ~MG

  65. Kabe Says:

    Melody –
    UE is listed on the Walker page for the 16th, but not the 17th (yet). Is it still playing both days?

  66. Melody Says:

    I don’t know why the second screeing of UE on the 17th is missing from the Walker calendar, but as far as I know it is still goling to happen. It was a late addition (they’re expecting both sreenings to sell out) so that might be why it’s not on the calendar yet. I will find out what’s going on and post here when I get an answer from the Walker folks.

  67. Justin Says:

    The second screening on the 17th is showing up now. I didn’t update it myself, but it is there.

    I will be in the audience for sure!

  68. Joe Says:

    Check out

  69. Kabe Says:

    Tickets for the two shows at the Walker Art Center are now available!
    I got mine, and have sent the word out to a bunch of people.
    See you on Friday :)

  70. Australia Says:

    What’s going on with the digital download/DVD sales? since we dont have these type of screenings half way around the world, an alternative opportunity to view this movie would be great.

  71. kurt Says:

    Saw the movie Sat. night. Loved it. Made me want to return to old ways. Would love to get a DVD. Melody- thanks for the T-shirt- I owe you ( I will mail a check.) Shane, your web page is my friends think your HOT!!!

  72. Eric Says:

    Saw the film in Boston and loved it. One question: In the catacombs beneath Paris, what was the purpose of the bright red flare they were burning?

  73. Titus Says:

    Awesome film thanks for spreading the word

  74. DarkTreader Says:

    HEY! HOLY JESUS FUCK! I was just talking about this with a few friends and was digging for some of the old info… wow. Yes, this is -THE- DarkTreader from the incident in question. :D

    So. Freaking. Cool. Hit me up if you need anything. I’ve been out of the scene for a while, but I wouldn’t mind giving whatever info I can. :)

  75. Ante Says:

    Hello, I found you on a swedish forum, and im wondering, how can i see you documentary from sweden? I really wanna see it :)

  76. MrNoir Says:

    When will this be released on DvD or a digital download. I’m incredibly interested in watching it.

  77. Butters Says:

    I’d like to see this movie in the UK
    Is there anyway we can get a DVD or download?

  78. Aaron Says:

    How do I go about buying the DVD?

  79. Jennifer Says:

    HI. We are wanting to do a photo shoot with Urban explorers here in the U.S. If any of you are interested or have ideas I would love to talk to you. Email

  80. controleman Says:

    How do we can get a hand on this in Canada? Or when?

  81. Linkman Says:

    Hi all where can i buy this movie ?

  82. UER Says:

    how can we see this in Canada?

  83. Janet Says:

    They are showing this film in Chicago on a day when my husband and I will be unable to attend and I don’t see a listing of upcoiming screenings on your website. Can you tell me about future screenings? We really want to see it - can you help us out.

  84. Dave Says:

    Dang, you screened this movie 3 miles from my house in August at the Square Lake Festival but I didn’t hear anything about it. Doesn’t anyone update the website? Any other Twin Cities screenings coming up? Any news on a release date/DVD? Anything?

  85. Thomasine Says:

    Are there any screenings coming to New York or nearby? Is this out on DVD?

  86. Steve Says:

    Hi all. Missed all of the screenings (of course) and I am absolutely DYING to see this film. Does anyone know if/when it will be realease publicly and/or on DVD ? Thanks !

  87. Melody Says:

    Hey Thomasine/ Steve and all the rest of you who have asked…DVD’S ARE COMING IN DECEMBER 07!! Just in time for holiday giving! Check back here or sign up for the email newsletter–you’ll be among the first to know when the DVD’s are ready. And I promise we will do a better job of updating the website from now on ….

  88. Melody Says:

    And Dave…there will be a screening at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis on Thursday, Dec. 6h @ 7pm. Hope you can make that one!

  89. britt Says:

    Any chance of a San Francisco screening?

  90. greenfete Says:

    I’d like to feature your link on my site. I heard a rebroadcast of your MPR piece this a.m. on my way into work. It reminded me of exploring I did in my youth - and life’s hidden treasures still make me just as curious now as it did then. I am ordering the DVD. Cool stuff - thank you for letting us take a peek inside!

  91. 360icon Says:

    Cant wait to see the film - Excellent - Best of luck

    were adding a link to your website from ours


  92. proxies Says:

    Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!

  93. Brian Says:

    Saw it and loved it. Who knew?

  94. Elizabeth Says:

    I watched this film at a friends and then I was reading about urban exploration online and found your website. Great timing–I bought a DVD for my little brother for Christmas (and a t-shirt for me!). Thanks!

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